Creativity During Chaos


Creativity During Chaos

Creativity During Chaos

During a strained time that revolves around Covid-19, much of the population is now circulating in their homes, wondering when the world will open up for exploring, wandering, and straightforward ole 9 to 5 work.

With the virus affecting everyone, everywhere, I have not been left out of the equation. I lost my part-time job and only real income due to the circumstances melting the landscape of typical work.


Keeping my brain and senses occupied, I am deeply involved in helping the Nevins tribe in any way I can, during a deeply difficult time. I am carving out time for the creative side to emerge during this extremely challenging era in history. I feel there is a need to tap into that tiny niche in my brain that wants to escape the norm and to craft out works of art. Ok, works of pencil scratches, pen hacks, brush dabs, etc. I am not ‘there’, yet, as an accomplished artist, but am creeping my head above my comfort zone as I venture into new territory and take extra awkward steps in posting these works on social media.


With a lack of dinero, zero work, and no current need for shoveling my funds to Adobe, I pushed aside my Adobe Creative Cloud account and launched into research mode and found new replacement tools to cover Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, and the mentioned InDesign. My recent work/creative play box now contains Affinity Designer, Photo, Publisher, ON1, and DaVinci Resolve. No expensive subscriptions where I am ‘renting’ the software. With prices ranging from free to $64, I now am the proud owner of the software programs and am not tied to a lifetime of monthly robbery from my bank account. My challenge laying before me is to learn all of these new programs.

I have begun the process. Somewhat overwhelmed, rather freaked out, but moving ever so slowly toward a destination unknown, but with an extra spark of innovativeness.


Some of the creativity does not involve software tools or a magical device that captures photos or videos of the world around me. Simple tools for simple minds opens the uncharted territory of pencils, pens, charcoal. How on earth can I use a Gelly Roll 08 pen?


This is a strange time in history that we are navigating, or at least plodding through. It is opening a new approach to work, social interaction, and many cases, time available on your calendar. Find time to think out the box and to explore areas of life that may have been ‘hidden’ by the busyness of normal scurried life.

Welcome to the new ‘normal’.

Adobe Fusion creation of a mini me

Adobe Fusion creation of a mini me

Taking new strides in ‘creativity’ as I attempt to not burn the house down and to grow as a guy trying to master kitchen skills. Yes, I have, somewhat, conquered a limited nook in the arena of baking, but cooking is staring at me with wide eyes, lots of room to roam, and more growing as I improve my health, eating habits, and an occasional masterpiece scooped onto a plate.

On to the next ‘project’ and an opportunity to explore, learn, grow, and to find myself. Yes, creativity during the chaos.

No need to color code a Gila Monster scene, but why not? I wanted to see how Coolors App worked. It did miss the interesting salmon color patterns on the Monster.

No need to color code a Gila Monster scene, but why not? I wanted to see how Coolors App worked. It did miss the interesting salmon color patterns on the Monster.

My Blue Yeti Microphone drawn on a Gaomon 620 Graphics Tablet.

Some of the resources I have taken advantage of to locate free apps and tools that can be used to create, improve productivity, and make my content shine just a little brighter. The four ebooks above were either free or .99/1.99 each.

Some of the resources I have taken advantage of to locate free apps and tools that can be used to create, improve productivity, and make my content shine just a little brighter. The four ebooks above were either free or .99/1.99 each.

Curious Gorge Mug Drawing - with label-jpg.jpg


The Bighorn Fire - It Is Close


The Bighorn Fire - It Is Close

The Bighorn Fire is raging, nearby, as it slashes through more than the jumbled, rugged terrain of the Catalina Mountains. Early today it had devoured over 52,000 acres and is only 19% contained. The spectacle out our back door erupted on June 5th. It is currently June 21st with some predicting that it will continue its tear through the wilderness until the Monsoon season arrives.


The communities of Summerhaven, Oro Valley, Tucson, Oracle and San Manuel are on alert. Watching the blaze move and the winds howl (at times). Friends from various parts of the U.S. are sharing tales of smoke that has

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Today unveils a new day of smoke, fire, and extreme heat. A wicked heat of 102+The thrashing wind has settled a bit, hence the settled smoke along the breathing zone. This was the first day that a shocking, gagging, breath of smoke greeted me as I wandered outside to snag the daily news. About time to try frying an egg on the driveway.


I will wrap up this section of the blog so that I can post it while it is current news and not two months after the fact. I intend to post some newer photos, although the beast is dwindling each day. At least from the western edge of the blaze.


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July 24

July 24

The scene above is just a short distance from the housing development we call home. As I snapped these photos, my brain was put into ‘time to get ready’ mode. At least the first step toward packing everything that is near and dear to my heart, thrown hastily into my Kia. I created an emergency ‘to go’ lists for myself and my parents. The next day the scene had greatly improved and my brain took a rest. So did my Kia.


July 25 - Not your typical setting for a trail run

June 27

June 27

Photo above is the sensational sunset that nature granted us the day that the western edge of the fire mellowed out. Last night (June 30th) I spotted a single splash of orange amidst the Catalina Mountains.


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The video above represents a small snapshot of what we can expect in the near future. With over 119,000 acres scorched, much of the terrain is lacking support and the monsoon season is upon us. Flooding, debris, and general havoc will touch the lives of nature and of humans.

Thanks, Canva for the props!

Thanks, Canva for the props!


That First .44 Mile on 'Dave's Trail'


That First .44 Mile on 'Dave's Trail'

I head out the door and take an immediate right, my alarmingly loud, orange running shoes gracing my feet, and two highly prized objects are tucked, conveniently, into the front of my Nathan running vest. I am donning plenty of low sugar items to cover possible blood sugar needs as I hit the trail. Also, I possess an awareness and laser focus on the trail ahead. There are a few creatures roaming the desert southwest that garner my utmost attention. I just scanned a website featuring twelve dangerous creatures in Arizona and notice that there are a few more that should be on the list.

And we have thirteen species of rattlesnakes. Highest in the country. Really?

Getting ready to patch a name on the gigantic rattlesnake I have seen 3 or 4 times this summer. All near the start of Dave’s Trail. Thank goodness he is super mellow.


Gila Monster

Those two handy, mystery, items sporting Sony and Samsung logos, both point and shoot cameras. One for close-up action and the other for wildlife that is not crawling over me, rattling at my feet or walking across my palm.

My runs take me through the along the self-named “Dave’s Trail”. Crazy enough, that Dave’s Trail begins one step out my front door.

Before I reach the dirt track (a scant .18 mile away) that offers the wildlife, I will plug one of the only poems I have constructed. And it is actually all about ‘my’ trail. It is the final poem on the page.



As I hit the trail, my senses heighten. Aware and laser-focused for possible poisonous, venomous or large moving objects that could ruin my day, my life. A short stint from the start of path at .18 mile and the fence I skirt under at .44 mile is a lengthy list of animals that have brightened my days while at times sending a buzz of attention when I come across an animal that sends my brain on alert.

This has been an unusual year. Yes, Covid 19 has swirled reality into a strange mix. Oddly, the Gila Monster has risen to the top of my animal encounters. A somewhat rare critter that is venomous and spends roughly 90% of its time in its den. This happens to be mating season and when availability of bird eggs is good.

The current count is five Gila Monsters and four Rattlesnakes. Two of which were seen ‘in the zone’(before the fence at .44 mile). Guessing it is the same, mild-mannered (at the moment) snake I have seen. A bit sneaky as he seems to be poised near the trail, but not on it. Not as easy to notice.



Despite possible dangerous creatures mixed in with a terrain teeming with spines and unfathomable heat, I love it here. I rarely see anyone on ‘Dave’s Trail’. Depending on the season it can be a paltry count of zero humans seen in a month to a very small handful. With Covid 19, times have altered and have changed along the self named path. A few days ago there was a gal cutting overhanging brush along the start of the trail. Could not see that happening.

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Not on the trail, but across the street roams a bobcat.

I do not expect that the Gila Monsters will continue to rule the viewing battle with The Rattlesnake. I hear that most people that live in the desert will never see a Monster in the wild. What a life I live.

A quick update in the world of wild animals, a few days ago the count of rattlesnake encounters tied, then passed the visuals on the beloved Gila Monster. As expected, but it took way longer than I could have anticipated. Way to go Monsters!

And a second update, for those of have ventured a long way, swimming amidst a sea of words, to reach the end of a lengthy blog (with some assistance from a collection of photos). As shared above, the rule continues, with four of my seven R snake encounters being before I reach the State Land fence line (at .44 mile). Over 50% of the sightings have been within this very short segment of the wildlife zone trekking Dave’s Trail.


Update to "The Jump" Blog


Update to "The Jump" Blog

Quick photo update to a bungee jump I did two years ago at the Grand Canyon. I posted on this blog about the jump with photos, videos, a film and an amazing letter from Alyse. Alyse was visiting the Navajo Bridge, watching us doing daring feats of leaping off a perfectly good bridge and she would plead with her folks to join the crazies who were testing gravity.

She would make an incredible leap and shared with me on the one year anniversary as to a story she wrote on the jump (she crushed it with an A!) and that it was a life-changing event.

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It was a life moving event for me, as well. It would be my first bungee jump in ten years. It was epic and important for me to continue to take on challenges. As I recruited people for the novel event, I had strongly wanted to have another person with type 1 diabetes be in the mix, so I could create a broader story in my film. I had a type 1 who was going to join us but decided, at the last minute, not to go.


Alas, the first person we met when we arrive at the bridge was Bryce. A type 1 who did jump!

The other crazy angle to my jump, that my film does not cover very well, is the fact that on one of my bounces during my jump, my Sony Action Cam flew off. Yes, it flew off…….and I caught it. I was so surprised, but realized that I was likely to (still) lose the camera to the Colorado River as I was bouncing, spinning, upside down, and I, unfortunately, had to re-mount it on my head (and not drop it).

I had made another request to the two photographers at our jump for a specific photo. A photo of that interesting time with my disconnected camera, if they had happened to have captured the unique moment. It would not have been a photo they would have sent as the cream of the crop, glorious jump photos. The photo above was taken by Barry Glazier.


Ragnar SoCal With Beyond Type 1


Ragnar SoCal With Beyond Type 1

Coronavirus has arrived and the Ragnar SoCal Race has been canceled. The story below was posted in preparation of the race. We will look toward 2021 to hit the road.

One month to Ragnar SoCal Road Race with Beyond Type 1! Yes, I am in, yet, another endurance challenge. For this trail runner, this creates a new challenge. I have not run a road race in 30+ years. I am clueless as to what to put down for my estimated 10k pace. Glacier pace for someone who has been involved in the slog pacing of Ultramarathons.

Looking forward to joining other athletes with type 1 diabetes in an event. My last t1 adventure was a 24-hour mountain bike race. I have shared that I enjoy taking on new sports/new challenges. Those seem to be the experiences that I grow from. A previous t1 team adventure was the Canadian Death Race. That name alone is worth the price of the race to spread across your t-shirt. I was coming off of knee surgery so put my name to help the team leaning toward an easier stage. I think the minimum stage distance in the death race is eleven miles. Oh, yea, it is in the twisted, elevation mess that is the Canadian Rockies, so most stages are difficult with ugly elevation profiles. With no takers for the hardest and longest leg, I was pegged in the longest/hardest stage. That makes for the best stories.


Photo from Ragnar SoCal page

The Mt. Hamel stage was 23.5 miles with over 6,000 ft of elevation gain. Yes, stories abound.

My Ragnar Relay stages will provide me with 24+ miles, but thankfully, elevation gain is nowhere near 6,000 feet, but, alas it is the hardest leg. I will run leg #9, which includes three sections.

Photo from Ragnar SoCal page

Photo from Ragnar SoCal page

I will share more as the event nears and plan on creating a video of my experience. Should be epic.

Photo from Ragnar SoCal pagewa

Photo from Ragnar SoCal pagewa


Baqsimi - A Life Saver for Those With Type 1 Diabetes


Baqsimi - A Life Saver for Those With Type 1 Diabetes

This will be a quick, but, I believe an important blog on Baqsimi. Many of you, likely, do not know what Baqsimi is and why it is a major breakthrough for those with type 1 diabetes.

Baqsimi is a new product that replaces Glucagon and like Glucagon it is also made by Lilly. Glucagon has been a standard for treating extremely low blood sugar for a person with type 1 diabetes for many years. It is not the easiest product to use and is not in a the handiest item to keep on hand.

I heard about Baqsimi and knew that it would be a very valuable item to have. My insurance rejected my claim (it may eventually be an item that insurances cover) and I submitted a coupon from Lilly, which was also denied by insurance. I was told by my pharmacy that the cost of Baqsimi is $550 a vial. Baqsimi usually comes in a pack of two ($1100). While the value of Baqsimi could be life saving, I am working part-time and I could not afford the spray.

Keep in mind that Baqsimi is not simply a nasal spray of glucose. It is causing your body to release sugar, hence the extra cost that is involved.

I continued the search by submitting a generic email request to Lilly where I shared my situation. To my amazement I received a phone call within a couple of hours and a packet of two Baqsimi’s were in my mail box within a couple days.

No charge!

I am extremely thankful to Lilly for their positive response and I have begun to share with local Fire Departments to research the possible addition of Baqsimi to their rescue kits. I am aware that they have standard protocol and items that are approved and budgeted for. I am hoping that this valuable item can be added to their kits.


Baqsimi is easy to use and does not require an injection, as it is a nasal spray. It is also comes in a very small container so it is very handy to carry.

An added note is that the majority of those involved in rescue, fire departments, EMT’s, do not have the status to give glucagon injections. I have been the recipient of at least one Glucagon injection that was administered by someone on a fire department team who risked his job to give me a possibly life saving injection.


I was not able to post the video on How to Use Baqsimi, but have included a link to the page that it is on.

The details below are from

What is BAQSIMI?

BAQSIMI is the first and only dry nasal spray that can treat severe hypoglycemia. It is a form of glucagon given as a puff in the nose. In a study, BAQSIMI raised blood sugar successfully* in 100%† of patients ages 4 through 16 within an average time of about 12 minutes. BAQSIMI has not been studied in children under the age of 4 years.

BAQSIMI should still be given in a low blood sugar emergency even if you are passed out, because BAQSIMI does not need to be inhaled. It should be given even if your nose is congested or you have used decongestants.

When you need a medication others can use to help you in a low blood sugar emergency, that’s where BAQSIMI comes in.

† All patients’ blood sugar raised successfully within 30 minutes of dosing BAQSIMI.

* Defined as a rise in blood sugar of 20 mg/dL from the lowest value.

Keep tube sealed until ready to use

Select Important Safety Information

BAQSIMI may cause serious side effects including:

High blood pressure. BAQSIMI can cause high blood pressure in certain people with tumors in their adrenal glands.

Low blood sugar. BAQSIMI can cause certain people with tumors in their pancreas to have low blood sugar.

Serious allergic reaction. Call your doctor or get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction including, rash, difficulty breathing, or low blood pressure.





That moment in life when you want to yell, gljvzvoxbuovub zcvx.aagu0ewawu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or something similar. Something to squeeze out a smear of emotion, frustration, bewilderment (is that a word?), mixed in with anticipation, and wild excitement.


My friend, Eric and I, desperately needed an escape. A trip out of the neighborhood and toward the mountains. A photographic journey to somewhere else.

Time to Escape.


After capturing lightening strikes in El Malpais National Monument (near Grants, New Mexico) I decided to try something new. I kept the camera open in long exposure mode and did some truck dashboard long exposure shots. I was surprised at the results. Experiment!

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The Chase for great photos, videos, and memories was on.


Eric snapping a shot of the Sandia Mtns in Albuquerque, New Mexico


We headed north through the magnificent Salt River Canyon (Arizona) with our sights on a cabin nestled high in the Colorado Mountains at 9,200 feet. My runs would be labored at this altitude, but it would be about 25 degrees cooler than the sizzling environment that the Sonoran Desert was currently providing. The desert had also left us high and dry with a Monsoon season that was dismal, at best.


My photos will do most of the speaking in this post. I will share that we spent some valuable time at the Great Sand Dunes National Park (near Alamosa, Colorado), Splashing in the chilly water near Zapata Falls, getting hammered in a hail storm in Taos, New Mexico, witnessing a sensational thunder/lightning storm near Alamosa, Colorado, wild horses at the Colorado/New Mexico border and some glory on the drive from Tucson, Arizona to Fort Garland, Colorado. Oh, and there was that 180,000 acre fire that basically surrounded that cabin in the elevation zone. Also, in the adventure was a climb/trudge/grind/hike up most of Trincheria Peak (near La Veta, Colorado) accompanied by a classic 4 wheel drive up/down a rough road leading to the start of our venture up the peak.


Eric looking up at a ridiculously steep grind heading up Trincheria Peak (near La Veta, Colorado)


looking toward West Spanish Peak


last light creeps across the jumbled terrain


Storm near Alamosa, Colorado


Spring Fire (180,000+ acres) near the cabin. These fire remnants were close to the cabin we were at.


Train tracks near the cabin. Photo assisted with the truck tail lights.


Photos directly below are from Eric Peffer Photography. Models are me and Lexi.

Photos below are from my media cards.


The Bobcat


The Bobcat

The Bobcat

I shared, recently, that this has been an unusual and somewhat disappointing summer for wildlife sightings during my runs. There have been tarantula’s in extreme numbers, and a record year for encounters with one my favorite desert dwellers, the Horny Toad. Other animals seem to be hiding, or avoiding the human on the trail. Or maybe they are waiting for the Monsoon season to arrive (it was a no show).



The wild file is beginning to fill up with some epic photos and videos as the fall begins to unfold in the arid, but, thriving Desert Southwest. I have seen a number of animals, recently, and not just those that possess a rattle.


My photography/video skill level has improved over the summer season of running on Dave’s Trail and this has been a banner year for what I consider the best photos and/or videos of a lengthy list of animals. My best photos of a bobcat would surprisingly unveil as my trail shoes tapped onto my special trail (I think I have seen two people on it all summer).


As I crested the first hill, my eyes darted to an animal crossing my dirt track. My first thought was it was one of the two coyote youngsters I had seen in the same exact location the evening before (their home is very close by). When I have witnessed the coyotes, I have fumbled for my camera, only to see them scurry out of sight, before I can fire a shot off.

I caught sight of a jack rabbit about twenty yards down the dirt track. Ears thrusting to the clouds, these rabbits are still an odd sight. My eyeballs about fell out when I spotted a bobcat hiding within the brush a handful of feet to my right. Neither the animal with the ears nor the bobcat seemed to be concerned with my presence. They both must have seen me go by extremely slowly, in the past. Not a threat in running shoes.


I took a few quiet steps toward the bobcat. Some excitement in the air as this was my first bobcat this summer. I usually see two or three over the oven baked season that is summer.

Feline eyeballs were focused on hoppity ears, but the scene was playing out very slowly. This was likely a very young bobcat having been ‘kicked’ out of the home and was experiencing his first days on his own. Not totally at home with hunting and not leary of humans, I was enthralled to witness nature in the wild.

Hoppity ears crossed the trail and the bobcat lazily took the bait. Seeming to be more amused at seeing an animal that was 63% ears, than needing to have a meal, the bobcat sat on the hillside for 10+ minutes, gazing ahead. Gazing, but not grazing.

I was about thirty feet away, snapping photos and getting some jumpy video on my non-stabilized point and shoot camera. It was getting dark and I got a rare look from the bobcat as I tried to get even closer. He eventually moved up the hillside, never ringing the dinner bell. I took off down the trail only to see an owl, about thirty feet away, in a tree next to the trail.


Photo of a jack rabbit from the day after seeing the bobcat. This must be ‘the’ jack rabbit as I have come across exactly one rabbit that I can get close to (and that a certain bobcat can get close to). These hoppers are super duper skittish and when I enter the same zip code they smash their paws against the dirt in frantic rhythm and escape.


The U haul Adventure


The U haul Adventure

Life just handed me an unexpected ‘gift’. I no longer have my job in The Dalles, Oregon and have loaded a uhaul and journeyed south to free housing in Catalina, Arizona. My friend Eric flew up to help in my transition from the duplex condo to uhaul to storage/housing in Arizona

Photo by Eric Peffer Photography

Photo by Eric Peffer Photography

While this trip is simply to get Dave from Point A to Point B, we will go for the improved version of a Uhaul travel episode and slide toward the journey being a photo adventure.


Our first major stop would be White River Falls State Park in Maupin, Oregon. This area has been on my list of places to visit and the relocation has created the perfect opportunity to visit this unique, historic and beautiful spot.

The falls were outstanding, but my real interest was exploring the abandoned hydro plant.


The power plant supplied power to Wasco and Sherman Counties from 1910 until the completion of The Dalles Dam in 1960. Exploring the plant, while a short, self-guided tour, was interesting and made for some good photos within a unique setting.


The open road awaited us after our cameras were packed into our backpacks and we ambled south with Nevada on the radar.

We had exited The Dalles with a short timeline since the Uhaul was due in Tucson in a short number of days. The Uhaul adventure had become a Uhaul Challenge.


We chose a backroads route through Nevada as we churned up the miles in a southward direction. Churning might night be the best word for a lumbering Uhaul but we were committed to putting miles behind us, unless, of course, there is a brilliant photo/video opportunity.



Eric and I have driven across Nevada (north to south) in the past and are always impressed with the varied and stunning topography that greets those willing to take the backroads and scan the landscape.

Near Highway 50 - The Loneliest Road in America

Near Highway 50 - The Loneliest Road in America


We rolled into Winnemucca at the end of the first day, tired, hungry, and let’s list tired a second time, for a little extra emphasis. Surprised to see deep snow in the mountains in Nevada at the end of May.

Boulder City, Nevada

Boulder City, Nevada

After a super long grind we rattled into Catalina, Arizona late the next day. Still hard to envision over 1300 miles in about two days, in a Uhaul. Urrrrggghhhh, now time to unload!

Pulling into Arizona after crossing the Hoover Dam.

Pulling into Arizona after crossing the Hoover Dam.



Bisbee On My Mind and On My Media Card

With a job application comes an opportunity to explore a possible new home and playground. While someone reviews my credentials I chose to explore Bisbee, capture some new memories and images and maybe grab some caffeine at Bisbee Coffee Company.

A slightly different view of “B” Mountain

A slightly different view of “B” Mountain

A phone call to Eric, a car stuffed with camera gear and a scenic drive to the quirky, historic, beautiful, artistic, mountain town in Southeast Arizona.

Did I mention a stormy town? More on the wicked storm that would capture our attention, later.

This was not the first time that Bisbee has been on the photo radar. Nor the second. Third time is a charm.

Not a photo of anything historic, unique, or picturesque, but probably my favorite from this trip.

Not a photo of anything historic, unique, or picturesque, but probably my favorite from this trip.

You could make the journey 25X and still find new, interesting, funky, unique things to capture on your trusty camera. I hope to get the job and make it a daily habit.

Royale Theater

Royale Theater

We zigged into town just in time to catch the tail end of the farmer’s market. While being only 1/100th the size of Tucson the farmer’s market was about 1/2 the size of the large farmer’s market that Eric and I are aware of (there are other farmer’s market’s in Tucson).

Historic Warren Ballpark

Historic Warren Ballpark

The breakfast skillet offered by one of the tables was exceptional and we were off to a grand start for the day. Warren Ballpark is the oldest dual sport field in the U.S. and beckoned us and our media machines (it is across the street from the farmer’s market).


We slid into some touristy behavior with a drive through the Warren area and into the car-centric Lowell area. And yes, there is a really big hole in town! I believe that our photos were not terribly touristy by nature. Always looking for unique and different types of photos. Keeps my mind occupied.

Time was also spent at the Mine and the visitor center at the mine while walking out with a lifetime of information.

The Anguis House (1908)

The Anguis House (1908)

We ambled through the varied shops and businesses that make up Old Bisbee. Bisbee Coffee called our name, or rather, caffeine called our names and we obliged. The extremely short walk across the street to Poco Market would be memorable.

The Bisbee Storm Arrives!

The Bisbee Storm Arrives!

Minutes after arriving at Poco Market, it began to rain…….and rain…..and rain…..and hail…..and extreme hail. To the point of once or twice in a lifetime kind of hailstorm and the question of whether the car be damaged with flying hail, branches, cats, dogs.

Thankfully, the nice folks at Poco allowed us to storm watch and stay dry. We escaped during a lull while mother nature revved up her engines for another round.

An incredible time in an incredible place.

I am hoping for a phone call soon.




A Wild Reality

A little known fact about me is that my favorite season is summer. Yes, obvious choice for most individuals, but there is a twist. I am referring to my home base in Southern Arizona where 100+ degree days are common. Throw in a 110 when mother nature is a bit cranky.

Summer ushers in the fierce Monsoon season and a window opens to see a variety of interesting animals that inhabit the desert scape. On my trail runs I come across many animals and summer is GO time for photos and videos. On my second run of the day I am out on the trail/road near sunset. Did I mention that the sunsets are also epic this time of year. My friend Jim Rudnicki shared on Facebook a couple days ago that “Monsoon season is also sunset season”


I see a lot of wildlife. Much of which is on the unique edge of life. I have become comfortable with my time with Gila Monsters, Tarantula’s, Rattlesnakes, Horny Toads (lizards), Desert Tortoise’s, Javelina, Giant Desert Centipede’s, Bobcat’s, Coyote’s, and a few other slithery types.


This summer has been unusual. While I have only been here for 1 1/2 months, my list of animal encounters is not normal. It has been a really short list with 0 sightings for most of the ‘stars’ of the desert. Typically, I see 2-3 rattlesnakes a week once the summer season begins (about mid May). A usual summer and I would have encountered at least 12 of the rattlers after 6 weeks. I have seen zero so far. I do not mind coming across rattlesnakes and the other ‘dangerous’ animals as they are part of the desert terrain and it is their home. I am cautious and look forward to the photo and video opportunities. I am not going to run roads to avoid them. Actually, many that I see are along the road that completes my loop.

At this stage in the depths of the summer boil, besides the noted rattlesnake, I would have seen a few other snakes, a few javelina, along with some bobcats, and where are the tarantulas? I spotted 50-60 in my shortened summer last year. And yes, I enjoy catching them. Oohs and Awwhhs from many of the readers.

I would say that at point I would have a desert tortoise sighting in the books, usually, although they are an August/September highlight.


It has been a rare summer that has been cooler than normal for the oven zone of Southern Arizona. I do see a lot less wildlife when it is cooler. My guess is that a cooler day allows for the opportunity to get out for food all through the day. When it is smashing hot the animals/insects have a window of cooler temperatures in the morning and evening. 90%+ of my animal sightings have been on my evening run. I see very little on my morning run.

This is one of those rare times when it is more surprising what I am not seeing that what I am seeing.


I know in time I will see some of the ‘lost’ animals on my list. It has been a banner year for horny toads. I have seen five, which is in line for the number I see all summer. Quite a few owl sightings helps with my Arizona Desert highlights.

An update from ‘Dave’s Trail’ on Wednesday, July 10th:

After posting this blog, I went on my evening run and was blessed with having 7 or 8 Javelina cross my path (2 young ones) and another encounter with the owl below.

I am on a roll (or at least the wildlife is on a roll) so will post for at least one more day. It is Thursday, July 11th and yes, saw the same group of Javelina on my evening run.

previous photo from a couple weeks ago.

previous photo from a couple weeks ago.

Photo from a couple days ago.

Photo from a couple days ago.

First photo of the owl on the hill. I have seen this owl in this area on 4 or 5 runs.

First photo of the owl on the hill. I have seen this owl in this area on 4 or 5 runs.


Life Moments


Life Moments

From Alyse:

“Hey Dave, it’s Alyse. Not sure if you remember me but a year ago yesterday was the day that we went bungee jumping at Navajo Bridge. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for getting me excited, easing my fears, and capturing my adventure. Because of that, I’ve learned more about myself, my passions, and life itself.”


Alyse airborne at the Navajo Bridge (Grand Canyon - Arizona). Photo composition by Eric Peffer Photography

From Dave:

I recently received this grateful and inspiring email from Alyse, who was visiting the Navajo Bridge (Grand Canyon, Arizona) with her family when she was ‘invited’ to jump off of the bridge.

Adventure and taking on new challenges will unveil new learning opportunities about yourself and possibly others who are hovering within your adventure space.

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Photo by Barry Glazier

Alyse would write a memoir for her English class sharing her reflection on this unique experience and the impact it would have on her life.

From Alyse:

From her paper (which she received an A!), she shared some of her thoughts and steps toward doing the unusual.
”Hey, Wanna jump?” Of course, I didn’t hesitate to respond. Being as outgoing as I am, I replied with, “Heck yeah.” My response, even though said in a normal tone, was just me kidding around. I obviously did not plan on jumping off of a bridge just because a stranger invited me to.


Dave Nevins - photo composition by Eric Peffer Photography

From Dave:

After some family dialogue on whether they were going to watch their daughter jump to her death or not, Alyse got the thumbs up and she received instructions on how to perform the perfect swan dive.

Let me ask you a simple question. Are you taking on the challenges that call your name?

From Alyse:

It was just me. Standing alone on the edge of a 467-foot bridge. I felt ready, adrenaline pumped through my veins. I heard everyone on the bridge start to count, “5….4….3….2….”
I jumped. I let out a scream as I went from diving horizontally to plunging vertically. I wasn’t even thinking about the danger I just faced or the height I was conquering. All of my worries and thoughts just slipped out of my mind.

I looked off the bridge once more and smiled. That’s when I knew I was hooked. That life to me isn’t worth anything if I’m not risking it. I realized what it is like to actually be alive and what it’s like to really be scared of dying. I had experience something that no other event could compare to. I had felt a way that for the rest of my life, could never exactly be matched or repeated.

From Dave:

Let me ask you a simple question. Are you taking on the challenges that call your name?

Video of my jump.

Similar to Alyse, I have heard the voice calling my name, sometimes I take on an adventure or challenge, sometimes I do not. I confess that I am truly thankful for every yes that I take on when a new challenge has presented itself, and those memories are lasting and those experiences have shaped and molded me into who I am today.


Dave Nevins during the 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo with Team No Limits (all type 1 diabetes riders)

I have shared before that a neighbor in Boise, Idaho came by the house and asked if I wanted to go bungee jump. I realized I could have come up with some excuse to avoid a “scary” challenge, but I thought about it and decided that if I do not have a solid reason for not doing something then let’s do it!


Snorkeling during a No Limits (for people with type 1 diabetes) kayak expedition near Sitka, Alaska. Photo taken by Scott Harris.


Taking on challenges can also happen in the work world. This is me during my time as a bicycle messenger in Boise, Idaho.

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Canadian Death Race with a team of runners with type 1 diabetes. Dave Nevins on the left and Will Schock on the right.



Last Call From Her Brain (A fictional story of an ultra runner with type 1 diabetes)

I wrote this fictional story of an ultra runner who has type 1 diabetes for a Creative Writing class I am currently taking from the University of Alaska Fairbanks taught by Diana Saverin. The story is also posted in my fiction section. The final for the class will include a revision of this story and I will re-post the new and improved version.

I met Diana while I was in Sitka, Alaska and she is the writer for an interesting follow up story on Chris McCandless (Into The Wild). The story appeared in Outside Magazine. Click the box below:

Old Pueblo Endurance Run Aid Station

Old Pueblo Endurance Run Aid Station

Last Call From Her Brain

     “If I can just reach Melendrez Pass”, mumbled Kelsey as she quietly shuffled her trail shoes along the dusty dirt path, high in the Santa Rita Mountains. At 5,784 feet the pass is not a high one, but one that she had worked hard to attain. While dimly realizing she still had about nine miles of rough, desert terrain to battle.

     Unfortunately, her battle was much deeper, more personal than those limited miles depicted on her ruffled race map.

     At the age of three, Kelsey had been living the normal life of a child growing up in Helena, Montana. Some tantrums, swirled in with laughter, pulling the cat’s tail and a quizzical nature that made Kelsey a walking textbook of childhood life.


     Then life took a turn, that caught the Jackson family off guard and Kelsey had been losing weight, drinking extreme amounts of water and had a bewildering lack of energy. Life should not be sucked out of someone so young and usually vibrant. Her body was doing the only thing it could do in this extreme situation. Flush out the extra sugar as she now had type 1 diabetes and her pancreas was no longer making insulin, a hormone that helps the glucose in your blood get into your cells to be used for energy.

     Kelsey looks back. No one is in sight. She has been running on her own for the last couple of hours. The start gun went off promptly at 6 am and she was joined by Brad as #105 and #134 rambled forward in the dark as the Old Pueblo Endurance Run adventure left historic Kentucky Camp as the headlights bobbed and the footsteps headed north, on a chilly Arizona morning. Brad, ever complaining about sore knees, had dropped out at the Gardner Canyon Aid Station suggesting that he would rather be at home, eating pizza than enduring a ‘sufferfest’ that he actually had paid to be a part of. Kelsey had trained and felt ready for the event but there would be a few question marks as the race drew near. “You Go Girl!” yelled Brad as he stepped into the aid station. An untied shoe and an open trail running pack, with a few items that had found a new home along the course, seemed to sum up Brad’s mentality. On to conquer pizza while the K machine said a quick goodbye and strode toward the next aid station at Cave Creek and the brief thought of whether she had enough food in her pack to cover her for the coming stretch of climbs and distant aid stations. She quickly did a swipe on the last section of the table and grabbed two more Hammer Nutrition gel packs.


     This was a challenging race as Kelsey and Brad had contemplated their options for races in the Southwest for the coming season. Due to extreme temperatures during the summertime, this race had an early March date. Runners would encounter the mid 70’s which for many stumbling out of the frozen north would feel severe.

     Kelsey had been successful with 50k races and leaned toward an event that would further challenge her and maybe give her success that she initially felt she could never achieve while having diabetes. She had been a good steward with the diagnosis and had taken care of herself as well as possible and she was enjoying better blood sugar control with an insulin pump and a cgms (continuous glucose monitor system). A cgms is an advanced way for people with diabetes to check blood glucose readings in real time or monitor glucose readings over a period of time. The combination of these two made exercising and endurance events easier to control.

     In most people with type 1 diabetes, the body’s immune system, which normally fights infection, attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. As a result, your pancreas stops making insulin. Without insulin, glucose can’t get into your cells and your blood glucose rises above normal. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.


     The weight of this diagnosis had sent shockwaves through the Jackson family. Kelsey’s father, John, had very limited knowledge of the new discovery that Kelsey would have the rest of her life. What he knew about diabetes could be written on a small post-it note with room left over. What he did know is that the condition is usually genetic and that no one on either side of the Jackson family lineage had diabetes. So much for that theory. For the next twenty-seven years, John and Cynthia and their other children Sara and Jake would support Kelsey as she

     Besides some extra sugar in her system, Kelsey also has a dose of grit coursing through that 5-foot 6-inch frame. She knew that that would be her insurance ticket if she needed to cash it in. Now, where was Melendrez Pass?

     People with type 1 diabetes are more likely to get heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, high blood pressure, blindness, nerve damage, and gum disease. Untreated type 1 diabetes can cause coma. It can even kill you.

     While annoying, the ‘beep, beep, beep’ coming from her insulin pump was meant to relay important notices from the mechanical wizard that relied so heavily upon. It could be a warning that her sugar was getting low, the battery needed changing, she was almost out of insulin, or that the cgms sensor needed to be changed. The beep continued while Kelsey juggled the pump, while she ran, to see what the message was. She had an unsettled feeling, deep inside, of what this particular sound might signify. ‘Sensor Expired’ is what the screen indicated. With the rush of packing necessary food, supplies, gear bags for two aid stations, and a monumentally bad night of sleep, the all-important status of the cgms had not been checked on. Now she would rely on old fashioned blood sugar checks with a glucose meter. She shuffled through her bag for the meter. And shuffled some more. No meter. She yelled in anger and frustration. Her words tumbled down the mountainside.

     Kelsey had been consumed by too much at the same time and was could not remember what her last blood sugar was. She was tired, now stressed, alone, and still a distance from the finish. She began to panic. Nearly forty miles into a difficult trail race, she had expected to be extremely tired and there might be some ups and downs in her blood sugar, which would likely affect her energy level. The fatigue had a grip on her and it was now seizing her thought process. Were her blood sugar ok?

     She continued labored motion forward, ever so slowly. Unfortunately, the next aid station was unmanned, but she had faith that there would be a good selection of gels, treats, bananas and maybe even some solid, healthy food if someone had bothered to load it into a 4 wheel drive for delivery.

     Kelsey now lacked awareness of what was around her and the beauty that was around her went by, even more slowly, as her loping run became a staggered walk. After some effort, she ripped the running pack off of her back as it fell to the ground. For a moment she stood still, not knowing what to do. Her brain needed glucose to operate and it was functioning on fumes. She had made the difficult task to deal with the pack in search of some carbohydrates in case that she had low blood sugar. She was not sure of what she needed, but it was better to eat and be wrong than to not eat at all. She knew what the consequences can be of not taking care of a low blood sugar. The sad reality is that she had easy access to the glucose packets in the front of her pack. Her mind was now on hold.

     She trembled, and slowly reached for the pack. This effort made her dizzy and she stumbled onto one knee. The thought urgently streamed across her dysfunctional organ of soft nervous tissue that she needed food now or...

     Now stretched across the dirt road she collapsed and had the pack behind her and now useless as her mind lost connection with the rest of her body. She was now in a coma and would rely on her grit and a helicopter flight to see her back at the starting line of the Old Pueblo Endurance Run the next year.



What Was Supposed to be an Easy Kayak Trip


What Was Supposed to be an Easy Kayak Trip

I have shared this kayak trip in a previous blog, but I am currently taking a Creative Writing Class from the University of Alaska - Fairbanks, and I had an assignment to write about something that had challenged me. This is the story re-told and hopefully with improved English.

Water bubbles over the rocks as it continues its snaking journey across the Arizona terrain, deep within the desert landscape better suited for cactus than a rushing river. Water, the key to life and the center of a topography that is abundant with life that calls the Gila River home. The key to life can also be a link to death. This journey settles into the rippling flow of a river that stretches 649 rugged miles within New Mexico and Arizona. I can hear the sound of life as we drag our kayaks to the edge of the water. The kayaks scrap and scratch across the barren sandbank and slightly slip into the liquid highway as the shore ends and the adventure begins. The wildlife echo sounds of life beyond our visual realm, but they are there, at home in this somewhat harsh climate. I was not to be part of this scene, this experience, this moment. Billy had asked for car support along the 15-mile stretch between Hayden and Kearny, Arizona as he wanted to kayak this section. He is an experienced river kayaker and has a very secure, safe, sit-on-top kayak. I would not be so fortunate in the mode of travel that did find me on the Gila. This was a lake kayak with an open seating area (no spray skirt).


Billy and I had met through a 24-hour mountain bike race near Tucson, Arizona. The connecting piece was an inquiry on Facebook for adventurous people with type 1 diabetes who wanted to form a team that would tackle the undulating cactus-studded hillsides north of town. Team No Limits would include the two of us along with Kent and Olivia. All of us possessing a nonworking pancreas, a factor that would make challenges like this a bit more challenging for the riders with a chronic disease.


The phone had rung a day before the Gila River trip, and Billy had an offer or shall we call it a proposal. He had located a second kayak, and we could now insert me into a seat. My mind swirled temporarily, but he reassured me that he had run a nearby section to our proposed section and it was an easy section. Sit back, float and enjoy the wildlife was the vision in my mind. I had a background in sea kayaking and the thought of sitting back and floating sounding appealing. I had also had a rough experience during solo kayaking on the ocean in Alaska. Mild stuff for most people who have spent sufficient time in a kayak, but I had a deep, searing fear of water. Do not ask me to go swimming unless you have a life jacket I can adorn. Well, not quite that extreme, but a pure liquid environment does little for my confidence level.


A few photos and videos were captured as we stroke our paddle forward then back, propelling us gently in a westward direction with a higher than usual current thrusting us from the back.

The calendar shouted for short sleeve shirts and shorts as the calendar turns placed us just in front of the simmering heat of the summer. We were looking toward a perfect day to enjoy the river as it took us to new places and memorable experiences.


Video of the Journey Below:

I hear my GoPro scrap and thud against a floating landmine of logs and branches as I thrust the kayak directly into the tangled and twisted mess. There is a small waterfall a few feet from us; the GoPro splashes into the water. Thankfully, I had connected safety lines to the camera, my gear, food, and medical supply bag. A quick session on the water and we decided to run the short drop as we lacked an adequate route to go around the hole of turmoil. A quick bump and drag and we were back on a river that took on a serene, peaceful, quiet tone.


Subtlety, the Gila began to change its nature as we continued to our take-out point. It was still a relaxing time on the river, and I enjoyed a different kind of adventure tucked into a life brimming with an outdoor lifestyle and many excursions that often challenged me but have also blessed me greatly. I was not going to let diabetes stop me from living life to the fullest. Billy has the same mindset.


We were approximately five miles into a journey that would end after fifteen miles in the town of Hayden, Arizona. The subtle changes notched up a few levels as the river would narrow at points, exposing the tumbled shoreline of fallen logs and brush. I began to piece the equation together realizing that if I got caught amidst the minefields the force of the water against me and the debris would cause me to capsize. Was I ready for this? I did not have much choice as our vehicle was another ten miles downriver and there was little access to a major road. The safety of my many ocean kayaking expeditions with others within a few strokes of you, in case of trouble, was lacking on this trip. Billy and I tried to stay close together, but as I followed his lead, I was slower and was sometimes getting caught in some minor issues with the river causing distant to separate us. I no longer had ‘support’ as I lost sight of Billy and I was unable to squeeze through a narrow patch in the river that was free of brush and logs, and I temporarily found myself pinned to a log, my head was swirling as I tried to prepare myself for what was about to happen.


The boat began to tip, and my heart leaped as I plunged under the kayak and into a dark scene that had me disoriented and slightly panicky as I now had to claw my way to the surface and keep the boat and oar within my grasp. A few underlining bullet points on my ‘Dave This Could Be A Serious Moment’ list:

1. I had my insulin pump attached to my shorts. This vital piece of medical equipment keeps me alive and helps maintain proper blood sugars. It is not waterproof. Would it continue to function?

2. My contacts allow me to see well and to avoid as much debris zones in the river as I can. Would they come out as I opened my eyes underwater to gauge where I was?

3. On one of the plunges, I had trouble coming to the surface as I was snagged below the surface in a battle with debris that had entangled me.

4. I had numerous cameras to capture the adventure, and a number of them were not waterproof.


When I came to the surface, the ordeal was not quite over as I floated down the river with an upside down kayak and an unsure opinion of whether I had everything with me and that everything was staying dry and still working. Next up was getting to the shore and the monumental task of dragging, pushing a kayak full of water up the angled shoreline so that I could empty its contents to prepare for the next plunge.

I would experience the underside of the boat seven times.

By number seven, I had not seen Billy for over an hour. Billy has an easy going nature and was likely not too concerned about the status of the red kayak and its occupant. He had tried to reach me on the phone, but it was nestled deep within a layer of waterproofing, and I did not get to it in time. We finally chatted, and he assured me that he would wait for me at the take-out point.

At one point we had reconvened briefly, and we promptly picked the wrong branch of the river to float. It was a side branch and embedded with an overwhelming amount of everything that you do not want to have to take a kayak through. I took another plunge into the river, but this time I had assistance from Billy on a problematic shore to free a kayak engorged with water. I did not know how I would pull the kayak up one more beach and flip the kayak. During an epic moment, I had accidentally broken one of the carrying handles. It was now more difficult to flip, and I was seriously tired, and the nerves were firing.

I would be tested one last time as I chose the wrong channel to travel. The kayak and I once again bobbed along as the scenery passed, ever slowly. I will say that by this point I had gotten much more comfortable in a rather unusual circumstance that found me in and out of the womb of water. Even with the risen current, the Gila River in this section is not a deep river. I was able to stand most of the time with a rare occurrence of toes not dabbling on the rocky bottom.

While getting more accustomed, I was ready to call it a day. Thankfully the day had not called my name. Number seven was a rare spot on the map as there was a picnic area where I had taken on more water than I cared. The sound of a truck rumbling down the dirt track and parking right in front of me was an emotional stirring of relief and a hint of joy as I kindly and wearily asked for a ride.



Let's Do It! (Part 7) An Almost Cross Country Adventure (Girard, KS to Johnson's State Park, MO)

We rolled out of Pittsburgh, Kansas on September 25th. Despite the photo of Rog at the Missouri border sign with a rather flat, boring landscape in the background, the terrain would quickly become more interesting, hills would erupt out of the plains and the fall season began to tap our shoulders.



When I have been involved in the Race Across America (a bicycle race from Oceanside, California to Annapolis, Maryland) I am always amazed as the route zigzags through the flat-as-the-eye-can-see cornfield dense terrain of Kansas and we cross the border into Fort Scott, Missouri the hills greet you with a smile. Almost exactly at the border the climbing begins.

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Missouri was a changing point:
* change in topography
* change in scenery
* change in attitude (at least that is what my journal is revealing)

Fog was common in the Ozarks

Fog was common in the Ozarks

The journey finds us in a city park that I have failed to identify. I did tag Jim, Greg1, Greg2, Chris, Kathleen, Polleen, and Susie who are also pedaling through the Show Me State. Five of the group are cycling and two are supporting them via a sag wagon. They are riding for the homeless and are getting a lot of press. We do some chatting and occasional pedaling with the group in the Fairgrove, Missouri region. Noted in said journal was that this may have been the toughest day. Our new friends showed little mercy in regards to carrying no packs/bags and we had our gear buckled in for the whole ride, weighing too much, especially as we pedaled like demons to keep up.

Eminence, MO - I think.jpg

Hills are now frequent and in mass numbers. They are short, thank goodness, but are steep. Would rather have a long, heinous Colorado pass right now. The Ozarks are calling our name. Or are at least laughing at us. It is beautiful and we are stoked. Emminence, MO would offer a wonderful setting and the Rayfield hotel would knock us back, only $13.

Fire tower in the Ozarks. Yep, we did climb it but I have not located any pictures from the top.

Fire tower in the Ozarks. Yep, we did climb it but I have not located any pictures from the top.

My back, for the first time, was beginning to hurt, at times. As shared from the beginning of this adventure I had severely injured my back two weeks before the trip. I could not even ride my bike as the days counted down to the circled day on the calendar (August 31). I would straddle the bike and head east, until Missouri, I had not had a hint of pain or discomfort. No horror stories of intense agony and suffering will greet the reader on this blog. i had serious concern but it would be a non-issue. The pain and physical therapist would surprisingly say hello after the trip. More on that later.


Roger’s journal shares another strong glimpse of life on the back roads of America and the generosity of humans. We had arrived in Fairfield and Roger states that we were wondering about two things. Where do we stay, and what do we eat? An older woman begins to speak to him and eventually she connects us with Dan & Betty who take two travelers into their stead.

Rog also makes a special note on our $13 hotel deal. He reveals that it is a ‘nice hotel’.

My blood sugar has taken a turn for the better.

In the Ozarks

In the Ozarks

People are finally turning around their opening comments from the mention that we have a long ways to go to the updated version that we have come a long ways.

A night at Johnson’s State Park and more fog has surrounded or cycling world. We are now leaving the Ozarks and are leaving a tremendous time in Missouri. On to Illinois.
