With a job application comes an opportunity to explore a possible new home and playground. While someone reviews my credentials I chose to explore Bisbee, capture some new memories and images and maybe grab some caffeine at Bisbee Coffee Company.
A slightly different view of “B” Mountain
A phone call to Eric, a car stuffed with camera gear and a scenic drive to the quirky, historic, beautiful, artistic, mountain town in Southeast Arizona.
Did I mention a stormy town? More on the wicked storm that would capture our attention, later.
This was not the first time that Bisbee has been on the photo radar. Nor the second. Third time is a charm.
Not a photo of anything historic, unique, or picturesque, but probably my favorite from this trip.
You could make the journey 25X and still find new, interesting, funky, unique things to capture on your trusty camera. I hope to get the job and make it a daily habit.
Royale Theater
We zigged into town just in time to catch the tail end of the farmer’s market. While being only 1/100th the size of Tucson the farmer’s market was about 1/2 the size of the large farmer’s market that Eric and I are aware of (there are other farmer’s market’s in Tucson).
Historic Warren Ballpark
The breakfast skillet offered by one of the tables was exceptional and we were off to a grand start for the day. Warren Ballpark is the oldest dual sport field in the U.S. and beckoned us and our media machines (it is across the street from the farmer’s market).
We slid into some touristy behavior with a drive through the Warren area and into the car-centric Lowell area. And yes, there is a really big hole in town! I believe that our photos were not terribly touristy by nature. Always looking for unique and different types of photos. Keeps my mind occupied.
Time was also spent at the Mine and the visitor center at the mine while walking out with a lifetime of information.
The Anguis House (1908)
We ambled through the varied shops and businesses that make up Old Bisbee. Bisbee Coffee called our name, or rather, caffeine called our names and we obliged. The extremely short walk across the street to Poco Market would be memorable.
The Bisbee Storm Arrives!