Hey, my name is Dave Nevins and I create media to encourage, inspire
and entertain those around me, while promoting good health and a strong
dose of adventure.
A Few Facts About Me:
Type 1 diabetes for 43 years
On an insulin pump for 19+ years
Born in Hays, Kansas
My 'playground' is Tucson, Arizona
BS in Exercise Science - Eastern Washington University (Cheney, Washington)
Associate in Arts - Green River Community College (Auburn, Washington)
Creative Writing (class) - University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Habitual adventurer, endurance athlete, photographer, filmmaker, blogger.
I hope to inspire and encourage those with diabetes through my videos, films, photography, speaking and writing.
Enjoy trail running, kayaking, mountain biking, cycling, bungee jumping, base jumping (tandem), sky diving (tandem), paddle boarding, hiking, rock climbing, mountain climbing, traveling, writing, snorkeling.
Sharing a glimpse of my life, one story at a time, in the blog section of this site.
Event planning is a strong point in my arsenal. I organized the Tour de Cure ride and Step Out Walk (American Diabetes Association - Tucson). Race director for the No Limits Sitka Sound Ocean Swim (5k / 10k in Sitka, Alaska - 2 years). Banff Mountain Film Festival director (Sitka, Alaska - 2 years). No Limits Dive For Diabetes (skydiving in Caldwell, Idaho - 2 years). No Limits Over the Edge event (bungee jumping at the Hansen Bridge - Twin Falls, Idaho).
Created Team No Limits for the 2017 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo Mountain Bike Race (Florence, Arizona). Team of 4 riders who have Type 1 diabetes. Film I created from the team/event, is
'You Only Live Once' (see 'Films').My work with videos, photography, story telling and my creative nature has led me to filmmaking. I shared my 24-hour mountain biking film (team of riders with type 1 diabetes) above. I recently released 'Alaskan Waters' (see 'Films') sharing a No Limits kayak expedition created for people with type 1 diabetes.
9 Fun Facts About Me
1. I have been paid to ride my bike and to run. While I lived in Boise, ID I was the
only bicycle messenger (that I know of). I moved from Tucson, AZ to Boise to take this position.
Also, while in Boise I was a co-author for "Boise Backcountry Adventures" with Sandy Epeldi.
We ran all of the trails (over 1,000 miles) in researching the trail book (expect the canyoneering
2. Would you prefer to sit and watch an NBA basketball game or be on the court during half time? I have competed in a basketball shooting contest (three times-Seattle, WA, Phoenix, AZ and Los Angeles, CA) during half-time. Also, I have shot from half court (Seattle) and participated in a gum scavenger hunt (Seattle). Prefer watching NBA games from my seat! For the Pepsi Hotshot
Basketball Contest I would finish in the top 8 and top 24 in the United States (for my age group).
3. My favorite adventure? Hmmmm, probably my Tucson, AZ to Yorktown, VA bicycle tour. Epic!
4. I completed my first fictional short story (on the fiction page), centered on an ultra marathon runner with type diabetes who has some serious blood sugar issues during a race/run. I will explain what is happening to our runner physically as the drama unfolds. Similar to a favorite book of mine,
"Last Breath" by Peter Stark, a blend of adventure and science as the author reenacts the drama
of what happens inside our bodies in the precarious last moments of our life when we push
ourselves to the absolute limits of human endurance.
5. A few weeks ago I went out on a fat bike ride with a fellow type 1 rider. Near the end of our ride
I crashed, connecting with a big rock, which destroyed my insulin pump. May not fall under a
'fun fact' but I will include it.
6. While being, possibly, the worst swimmer on the planet, I was the creator and race director for
three long ocean swim race events (3.1 and 6.2 miles!) in very cold water - Sitka, Alaska.
7. I spent a lot of time running through the desert near where I lived in Catalina, Arizona. Yes, cactus,
sand, heat and lots and lots of animals. I carry a great point and shoot camera to capture the many
critters I see. Some of which are unique and rare. Last summer included roughly 25 Rattlesnakes,
3 Bobcats, 4 Gila Monsters, 50+ Tarantulas (many were picked up), 10 Horny Toads, 1 Badger, 8 Desert Tortoises (a number of sightings were repeats), 2 Black Racer snakes, 2 California King
snakes (some repeats), 1 Long Nosed snake, 12 Owls (many repeats).
8. I lived in Alaska for about 7 years (Sitka). I had spent three summers vacationing in SE Alaska
and decided that I wanted to live in the Last Frontier for the experience. Sitka was the only
town I searched for a job before finding a position as Director of Visitor Services for Sitka
Convention & Visitors Bureau.
9. I Love to test gravity! Bungee jumping, skydiving, base jumping, rope swings and jumps.
Navajo Bridge Bungee Jump - Grand Canyon - Arizona. Photo by Barry Glazier.
Navajo Bridge Bungee Jump - Grand Canyon - Arizona. Photo and Composite created by Eric Peffer Photography
Navajo Bridge Bungee Jump - Snapshot taken from my Canon 7D. Filmed by Sean Crosby.
Navajo Bridge Bungee Jump - Grand Canyon - Arizona. Snapshot from my Samsung 360 (video).
Oracle Rumble (32 miles) - mid way. Photo taken by Damion Alexander
24 Hours in the Old Pueblo with team No Limits (all riders with type 1 diabetes)
No Limits kayak expedition (for people with type 1 diabetes) - Sitka, Alaska
Life as a bicycle messenger (Boise, Idaho)
Market Manager - American Diabetes Association - Tucson, Arizona
BBAD (Border to Border Against Diabetes) - Arizona/Utah border to Idaho/Utah border
Assisting Jennifer Salazar with Media 1 during the Race Across America (Maryland)
VIP Guest at the North American Conference on Diabetes and Exercise (San Diego, California)
Canadian Death Race (Grande Cache, British Columbia, Canada) with I Challenge Diabetes
Mojave Preserve in California. Photo by Eric Peffer
Yes, that is my shoe - Glenn's Ferry Bridge (Glenn's Ferry, Idaho).
Navajo Bridge Bungee Jump - Grand Canyon - Arizona. Snapshot from my Sony Camera (POV video).
Sitka, Alaska (photo taken by Deanna Rivaldo)
Canyoneering in Utah. Photo taken by Eric Peffer
Colorado (photo by Eric Peffer)
No Limits Kayak Expedition in Alaska. Photo taken by Adam Howard
On the way to the Canadian Death Race with I Challenge Diabetes (Grande Cache, British Columbia, Canada)
No Limits Aussie Rappel - Boise, Idaho
Arizona Base Boogie - Photographing Base Jumpers in the Superstition Mountains (Arizona)
Base Jump at the Perrine Bridge (Twin Falls, Idaho)
Horne Lake Cave (Nanaimo, British Columbia) during the Horne Lake Leadership Conference
Quality time with a Lemur at the Luxury Travel Show (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument - Utah Photo by Eric Peffer
Photo by Eric Peffer
Navajo Bridge Bungee Jump - Grand Canyon - Arizona. Snapshot from my Sony camera (POV video).
Kelso Dunes in the Mojave Preserve (California). Photo taken by Eric Peffer
Race Director for the Sitka Sound Ocean Adventure Swim (5k / 10k). Benefiting the American Diabetes Association Alaska office.
with I Challenge Diabetes (Naniamo, British Columbia, Canada)
Oakland, California (Photo by Priya Patpatia)
Speaking at the No Limits Sitka Sound Ocean Adventure Swim banquet (Sitka, Alaska)
Go Fast Games (Canon City, Colorado) - I assisted (and jumped) Over the Edge Bungee on the bungee event during the games.
Work on our 'Boise Backcountry Adventures' book (Owyhee Mountains, Idaho)
Photo by Eric Peffer
Medtronic Global Hero (2012) - St. Paul, Minnesota
Colossal Vail 50/50 Arizona Trail Run (I did the 50k, 34 miles - November 2016). Photo by Damion Alexander.
24 Hours in the Old Pueblo 2017 - photo by Todd Rasmussen
A short audio (above) that I posted on LinkedIn. It is a glimpse of my life, with focus on my work background and my Type 1 adventures.
Link to a story that Diabetes Forecast featured:
Link to a story that the American Diabetes Association featured:
Linked to a photo and story on the Diabetes Sports Project Instagram page:
Link to a story (Diabetics and video on The Diabetes Site Blog (No Limits: Diabetics Can Achieve Awesome Things)