The Trail Book
Update as of October 2, 2019, I am working on an e book revolving around my blog posts (with some additional material). I recently started a job as a book designer and see this as the perfect opportunity and motivation to create my own book, but also the platform to design the book myself. I am also considering doing the audio, and if it is a good step I will publish a softback edition.
I had the unique opportunity to assist Sandy Epeldi on a book project. This book would entail the kind of life that I love to live. Outdoors, exploring, trail running, research, and photography within the dramatic wilderness that is Idaho. I would be a co-author of 'Boise Backcountry Adventures', a comprehensive 327 page trail book for the Boise, Idaho area. We ran all the trails (over 1,000 miles) except the canyoneering sections.
And yes, Sandy was kind enough to install me on the front cover (above). I remember this day pretty well as it was long. Extremely long. We had many long days (up to 18-19 miles). This was the Lava Mountain Trail which began at the base of the peak on the far right.
In the Owyhee Mountains
In the final pages of the book, in the About the Authors section, I would share "I spent many years immersing myself in the intense beauty of the Idaho mountains and canyons. What an amazing place! There are few places on the planet where you can catch a trail close to a metropolitan area, cover serious mileage, while never spying another runner or hiker. I also used this opportunity to share that I have type 1 diabetes and that I choose to live my life to the fullest despite having the disease".
Squaw Creek (Owyhee Mountains)
I wrote a blog on the trail book project: